White Gates Farm

Heather and Hanke LeTarte
White Gates Farm is an evolving small farm located on a tract of land in NH which our family purchased in 1982. This property hosted a forest of White Pine a dark and dense sea of green.  We produce the highest-quality beef, from our selected breed of cattle, Blonde D’ Acquitaine. We also grow pastured-raised broiling chickens and pigs. Our vegetable and herb varieties are carefully selected and lovingly grown. In addition to attending several farmers’ markets, we offer a seasonal meat CSA and also supply local restaurants with the best the area has to offer. Our slogan is “Wicked Good Food” (White Gates Farm). We also are home to a program that we call “Edible Education”, where we host family farm days, a day camp for kids, seminars, intern trainings, and other functions where we teach about how to grow and eat healthy foods. Now, over thirty years later, it has been almost single-handedly transformed into a breathtaking view of working fields and greenhouses.  We, along with our four grown children are excited about the future of our farm and of our ability to feed our customers with quality meats and produce for generations to come. Hank and Heather Letarte~2018

Have a question? Drop us a line or give us a call!

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